Land plot, 5 ares
Bishkek, Kok-Zhar
$ 160 000
14 009 600 som
$ 32 000/are
2 801 920 som/are
Added 2 months ago
Moved up 18 hours ago
Type of offer
from agent
Land plot area
5 ares
light, gas, the internet, heating, water, phone, sewerage
Title documents
purchase and sale agreement, red book
Average price
To compare real estate, uses such parameters as room number, series, location. These numbers may not match the market price, which is influenced by many factors. For more accurate data, use a professional real estate appraisal.
Sale, land plot, Bishkek, Kok-Zhar
$ 150 000 $ 29 286/are 13 135 500 som 2 564 550 som/are
Полезные ссылки
$ 160 000
$ 32 000/are
14 009 600 som
2 801 920 som/are
Description from the seller
Продаю учаток Кок Жар Район Достоевский Горького 5 соток Сквозной Есть дом на участке
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