House, 4-room, 160 sq. m

Bishkek, r/a Birimdik Kut
$ 59 000
5 140 080 som
$ 369/м2
32 126 som/м2
Added 1 month ago Moved up 5 hours ago  673  4
Купить от 43 052 сом в месяц
Type of offer
from agent
160 sq. m
Land plot area
12 ares
Sewer system
septic tank
bathhouse, veranda

Average price

To compare real estate, uses such parameters as room number, series, location. These numbers may not match the market price, which is influenced by many factors. For more accurate data, use a professional real estate appraisal.

Sale, house, 4-room, Bishkek, r/a Birimdik Kut

$ 65 000 $ 775/m2 5 662 800 som 67 518 som/m2

Description from the seller

🔥Продается 4-комнатный дом. 📍Адрес: c. Виноградный ✨ Площадь: 12 соток 🛏️ Количество комнат: 4+кухня+баня+времянка 📜 Документы: ДКП, техпаспорт, красная книга 🔑 Дополнительно: горячая вода, вайфай безлимит. 💰 Цена: срочная — 59000$ ! ID: 35678


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