Land plot, 4 ares

Bishkek, Asia Mall
$ 386 000
33 473 920 som
$ 96 500/are
8 368 480 som/are
Added 1 month ago Moved up 12 hours ago  307  1
Type of offer
from agent
Land plot area
4 ares
light, gas, water, sewerage
fenced, house, all documents
Title documents
purchase and sale agreement, technical passport, red book
Possibility of payment by instalments
Possibility of getting a mortgage

Average price

To compare real estate, uses such parameters as room number, series, location. These numbers may not match the market price, which is influenced by many factors. For more accurate data, use a professional real estate appraisal.

Sale, land plot, Bishkek, Asia Mall

$ 386 000 $ 96 500/are 33 473 920 som 8 368 480 som/are

$ 386 000 · $ 96 500/are
33 473 920 som · 8 368 480 som/are

Description from the seller

Продаю участок с домом (под сном) 4 сотки. размеры (16х25) Угловой участок, отлично подойдет под коммерцию.( мед.центр, дет.сад, и т.д) Тех.паспорт, красная книга. Участок правильно формы, 386 000$ (торг уместен) Кыргыз недвижимость ID: 45209


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